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Who We Are

LCC By Laws

Adopted as of October 1st, 2024


Vision Statement

The LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL creates opportunities for a connected community.

Mission Statement

The Laveen Community Council is dedicated to fostering a vibrant and cohesive community by providing visionary leadership, facilitating collaboration among local organizations, and offering robust support to both community members and entities. We strive to create meaningful opportunities that connect residents, inspire community spirit, and empower our growing and evolving neighborhood.

Article 1 - Purpose of Council

The purpose of the LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL shall be to promote the welfare and assist in the  needs of the Laveen community and its youth.

Article 2 - Meeting Place

The meeting place of the LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL shall be at the Laveen Elementary Education  Center or any designated place within the community, as designated by the President of the Community  Council. All regular meetings shall be open to the public.

Article 3 - Meeting Day and Time

Meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm during September through May.  Special meetings can be called by the President or by the Board of Directors as needed.

Article 4 - Notice of Meetings

Secretary or Designee shall notify all members of record at least 24 hours prior to all regular meeting dates.

Article 5 - Officers and Directors

There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of 13 (thirteen) members: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and eight Directors. An optional position of community liaison may be filled on an annual basis by the President. The Board of Directors members shall be at least 18 years of age. The Board of Directors shall live, own a business, or be employed in Laveen and the immediate surrounding community consisting of 27th Avenue to the East, Salt Riverbed to the North, South Mountain to the South, and the Indian Community to the West and South (as outlined by Google Maps image on Page 8). All officers shall have a two-year term of office with the unilateral option of a second term if they are in good  standing with the LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL. No officer shall remain in any position for longer than four years.

All directors shall have a term of three years with a unilateral option of a second term if they are in good  standing with the LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL. No director shall remain in any position for longer than  six years. 

Any officer or director maybe removed from the Council if they have not represented themselves in a  professional manner to the LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL or the Community. See Code of Conduct. All  officers and directors whose term is ending must notify the Board of their intent to remain or relinquish their  position by or at the January Board Meeting of the same year. The President can extend the term of a  Member as needed with a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


The President shall be the principal officer of the Community Council and shall in general supervise all  business and affairs of the Council. The President shall preside at community member meetings as well as  the meetings of the Board of Directors. The President shall also be responsible for completing and filing all  forms required by law for the Community Council. The President shall provide a copy to the Secretary for  the recording keeping. The President shall be responsible for securing the best available insurance for the  Community Council.


The Vice President shall assist the President and perform the duties of the President in the Presidents absence. The President shall keep the Vice President informed of all Council plans and activities. The Vice President will provide meeting information and reminders to be posted on social media. The Vice President will ensure bylaws are available and accessible to both the Board of Directors and the community. When needed, the Vice President will interpret the bylaws. Any proposed changes to the bylaws will be submitted to the Vice President, who will then present the proposed changes to the Board of Directors.


The Secretary shall maintain attendance records and minutes of all Community Council meetings and at all Board meetings. The Secretary shall keep a current list of member groups, including the representatives and the contact information. The Secretary shall maintain any records or reports provided by the President, Treasurer, and/or Auditor. The Secretary shall send out meeting reminders to the board of directors.


The Treasurer shall be the custodian of funds and receive and acknowledge all monies through  correspondence (thank you letters, etc.). The Treasurer shall maintain a full and accurate account of monies  including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall present a  Treasurer’s Report at the regular meetings of the LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL. The Treasurer shall  file any and all financial reports to government agencies as required by law and provide a copy to the  Secretary for recording keeping.


The Auditor shall serve as Chairman of the Audit Committee consisting of the outgoing Treasurer, Incoming  Treasurer and the Auditor. In the case where the incoming and outgoing Treasurer is the same individual.  the Auditor shall appoint a third person to serve on the committee. The Auditor shall complete a full audit  of all accounts including assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements periodically but at least once at the  end of each fiscal year. The Auditor shall present all findings at the next regular meeting.


Directors shall serve as a voting member of the Council and the Board of Directors. Directors shall also play a key role in chairing events and/or committees, and support and assist in Council events. Directors must chair or co-chair an LCC event each fiscal year, September – May.

Article 6 - Classes of Members

Member organizations shall be non-profit and shall consist of Laveen based civic and cultural organizations,  schools and churches which are actively interested in the promotion of all civic and educational  undertakings in the Laveen Community.

Organizations shall be selected for membership by vote of the Council.

Expectations of Group Members consist of community service in the Laveen area. Communicating with  their group members regarding the benefits of volunteering within the community and for the LAVEEN  COMMUNITY COUNCIL (i.e. BBQ, Egg Hunt, and Street Cleanup). Members shall also be required to attend at least 6 out of the 9 monthly meetings of the LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL.

Each organization selected for membership in the LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL shall submit Form  002 with up to two representatives from among its own membership to serve on the Council. These  representatives must be of school age or older. These representatives shall not be a representative for  another organization. The names of these individuals shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at the  beginning of each year (September). Any changes in these representatives to the year shall be submitted  in writing to the Secretary. Any organization that does not submit at least one representative to the Secretary  by October 31 of each year shall be moved to an inactive status and shall not be a voting member. To be  removed from inactive status you must attend three (3) consecutive meetings and provide in writing the  names and information for the representatives.

A new organization requesting membership may do so at any regular meeting in writing using LAVEEN  COMMUNITY COUNCIL Form 002. Should a new organization receive approval by the vote of the Council,  which will take place at the next regular meeting, the new organization shall submit up to two  representatives as required above within 60 days. Failure to do so will result in removal as a member. Until  such time that the new organization submits the name(s) of their representative(s), that organization shall  not be a voting member.

Article 7 - Voting Rights

Each Board member and member organization in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the membership. In good standing is defined as less than three absences during the fiscal year, September – May.

Article 8 - Quorum

A majority of the Board of Directors and representatives present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum to  transact all business at that meeting. A majority of any committee shall constitute a quorum for the  transaction of the committee's business.

Article 9 - Business

Motions and nominations may come from the floor by a member of the Council. Voting rights are limited to  eligible members of the Council and proxies are not permitted. Each regular meeting shall include a call to  the Public.

Requests for unobligated funds should be submitted, in writing on LCC Form 001, to the President at least  five (5) business days prior to the meeting so they can be placed on the agenda for discussion by the Board  of Directors. The final decision will be made at the next regular meeting. Request for funds of an urgent  nature or totaling $200 or less may be acted on immediately. Funding requests will be accepted beginning  July of each fiscal year. Non-urgent requests will be voted on by the Board of Directors beginning in  September and if approved will be moved forward to the next scheduled monthly meeting, provided  unobligated funding is available.

All disbursements of funds will be made by check. Checks will be made payable to the organization, not to a person(s) involved in the organization. Any three (3) of the following shall be authorized by the  council to sign checks: President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer. All checks over $1,000 shall require  two signatures. Any of the three (3) signatories may not be related in any manner or living in the same  household. The Fiscal Year shall be July through June for each year.

Article 10 - Vacancies

Any vacancy occurring among the Directors shall be filled through appointment by the President to  complete the term. The Council shall confirm this appointment at the next regular meeting. A vacancy in  an officer position shall be filled by a special election of the Council. Candidates can be selected by  nomination or may be volunteers from the floor. The individual elected will complete the term of their  predecessor.

Article 11 - Committees

Nominating Committee

The nominating committee shall be as follows: One (1) Officer, one (1) Director and three (3) members of  the community council. The Officer and Director shall be appointed by the President. The three (3)  members of the community shall be nominated and confirmed by the membership of the Council.

The nominating committee shall recommend candidates for each Officer and open Director position. These  candidates will be screened by the Nominating Committee for their desire to serve in the position for which  they are being nominated. The nominating committee shall, in its recruitment of candidates, explain the job  description of each office and length of service and time normally required. The nominating committee shall  give priority to Council members in good standing. 

Eligibility for office is restricted to residents of Laveen and the immediate surrounding community consisting  of 27th Avenue to the East, Salt River bed to the North, South Mountain to the South and the Indian  Community to the West and South. The nominating committee shall be appointed and elected at the  January meeting. The recommendations of the nominating committee shall be presented at the March  meeting. The request for nominations from the floor shall be at the March meeting. The nominating  committee shall be responsible for publishing names on the web page of those  nominated tor office prior to the April meeting and provide information regarding the April election process.

Election of officers is to be held at the April meeting with write-in space provided on the ballots. All members in good standing of the Laveen Community Council (Board Members, Member Groups, and residents) are eligible to vote at this election and are entitled to one vote. Proxies are not permitted.

Elected officers will take office at the end of the May meeting.

Budget Committee

The Budget Committee shall be comprised of the current President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer as well as the incoming President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer plus two or three volunteer representatives of the Council. The Budget Committee shall be named at the annual planning meeting. They will meet in June and prepare a budget for the upcoming year and present it to the membership for discussion and approval at the September meeting to the community.

Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee shall be comprised of at least one Officer or Director as well as volunteers from  the community. Members of the Scholarship Committee may not be related to or write a recommendation  on behalf of any applicant.

Event Committees

The Chairperson/Co-Chairperson(s) of an Event Committee shall be a member of the Laveen Community.  The Chairperson/Co-Chairperson(s) shall be confirmed by the Board of Directors. The Chairperson/Co-Chairperson(s) shall be responsible to operate within the guidelines established in the budget for that fiscal  year. The Chairperson/Co-Chairperson(s) shall report the status at each regular meeting. All accounting for  the event shall be submitted to the Treasurer from the Chairperson/Co-Chairperson(s).

Special Committees

The President may establish a committee to address special needs of the Board of Directors or  Community upon approval by the Board.

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee shall be comprised of the current President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer as well as the incoming President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer plus two or three volunteer representatives of the Council. The Planning Committee shall be named at the April meeting. They will meet by the end of May, prepare a plan for the upcoming year, and present it to the membership for discussion and approval at the September meeting to the community.

Article 12 - Attendance & Code of Ethics

A review of the attendance of the Officers and Directors be conducted quarterly by the Secretary for inactivity. Absences at more than three (3) meetings during a fiscal year, September through May, that are not previously approved by the President or Vice President, shall constitute inactivity. The Secretary will notify the President for any necessary action within five (5) business days. The Secretary shall notify the Council of any inactivity at the next regular meeting. Inactivity may result in removal from the Council by the President.

The LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL Code of Ethics is a minimum standard to be held as a base which  includes but not limited to:

• Slanderous public statements about the LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL and/or Board  Member(s).

• Negative social media posts.

• Financial fraud or embezzlement.

• Spending funds in a way not benefitting the LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL or items not  approved for the calendar year.

• Not treating other members with respect in a public forum.

Article 13 - Contributions

The Board of Directors may accept on behalf of the Council any contribution. All contributions shall be  reported to the Treasurer. The completed donation form and the donation must be turned into the Treasurer  within seven (7) days.

Article 14 - Rules of Order

Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern the proceedings of all meetings of this organization and its  constituent parts except as otherwise provided in these by-laws.

Article 15 - Changes to By-laws

Any amendment(s) or change(s) to these bylaws must be submitted to the Vice President. The Vice President will then present the changes, in writing, to the Board of Directors. The amendment(s) or change(s) will then be voted on at the next regular meeting of the Council. If approved, the Vice President will adjust the bylaws accordingly and distribute the updated version to the Board of Directors and community.

Article 16- Insurance

The LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL shall purchase and maintain liability insurance that includes  coverage for all Officers, Directors, and Committee Chairpersons confirmed by the Board. This coverage  shall include claim coverage for lawful spouses. Insurance coverage shall also include all Community  Council events. The minimum Limit of Liability for all insurance shall be no less than $1,000,000. The  Council shall be responsible to pay the premium(s) for this insurance as well as any claim deductible. 

Article 17 - Dissolution

Should the LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL ever in the future be dissolved, any assets remaining after  all expenses and obligations have been met, shall be distributed for one or more of the purposes within  the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Article 18 - Website/Social Media

The President is responsible for updating LCC Form 003. The complete list of all Website, Social Media  and related Usernames and Passcodes will be submitted to all Officers on a monthly basis or as the  information is updated or changed. Officers that change the information or add additional accounts in the  name of the LAVEEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL will be required to share with the President so they can  update LCC Form 003 and share accordingly.

The exempt passcodes for the above standard are financial banking accounts. That account information  shall be held by the Treasurer and shared with the other two account signers designated and required by  the financial institution.

Article 19 - Risk Management, Assets and Inventory

An Accounting of Assets must be prepared listing any and all items owned by the Council. Any items owned,  purchased or donated need to be listed in an inventory catalogue. 

An Annual Inventory must be taken in May before the Budget Committee meets and turned into Secretary. A Board Member will be assigned as the director for assets and inventory.

Form 001 – Funds request

Form 002 – Member group request

Form 003 – Web/media Accounts